Tokyo Trip (05) - Satou in Kichijyouji 吉祥寺的牛肉餅 - 2009/3

* When I read the travel book, I found one famous store which sells Matsuzaka beef balls in the Kichijyouji. I have read a news that Japan declared that Matsuzaka beef has never been exported . What we eat Matsuzaka beef in Taiwan should be fake.

*The second floor of Satou sells beef teriyaki set. The first floor sells some fried food. The most popular one is beef ball. Because beef ball is made from Matsuzaka beef, the line of people waiting to buy is quite long.We started to wait from a long distance.When we were closer, service lady gave every one a yellow card. The card told us one meat ball is 180 yen, but you buy above 5 meat balls, then every meat ball is 140 yen. There is also quantity limit. Every card holder can buy 20 meat balls in the weekdays and 10 during the weekend.

* After a long wait, we finally bought 8 meat balls. The ball has a crispy outside.Inside meat is mixed with some onions. Because of crispy outside, the meat ball is very juicy. Taiting and I each ate 3 meal balls and Ali had 2. Taiting and I was so full after that 3 meat balls. We barley eat anything for dinner.
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